immomailing is a newsletter for apartment hunting and finding new tenants in Zurich and the surrounding area.
The immomailing website is mostly in german.
How to translate immomailing website using your browser.
If you use gmail and use the translation option for mails, it disables all links to the ads – you have to disable translation to be able to click the ad-links!
I will be on ski vacation from 15.2. – 23.2.
The mailing will be sent out as normal, but support will be kept to a minimum.
The newsletter is sent daily from Monday to Friday at 5:30 pm, the latest ads are only visible on immomailing and for registered readers.
The properties are mainly located in Zurich and the surrounding area, partly in Winterthur, Zug, Aarau, Lucerne, Bern, Basel, throughout Switzerland and abroad.
Apartment listings in the city of Zurich are advertised exclusively on immomailing and should not be found on any other major platforms.
On the immomailing newsletter there are advertisements for: Rental apartments, houses, shared rooms, apartment exchanges, temporary, furnished apartments, commercial spaces, workplaces, storage spaces, parking spaces as well as vacation rentals.
After registering a user account, you can subscribe to the immomailing newsletter as well as enter advertisements for free.
Public advertisements
Here you will find advertisements that have already been on the immomailing newsletter and have not yet been rented.
To see the exclusive ads, you need to subscribe to the newsletter.
Support and frequently asked questions
In FAQ most questions are answered, if you cant find the answer to your question, send a short message trough support page.
Most frequently asked questions
Translate immomailing website using your browser.
Is it worthwhile to subscribe to immomailing?
How does the contactbox in the ads work?
Can I reactivate immomailing.
How long is the immomailing subscription valid?
Contact window closed, can I still send an inquiry?
I got an appointment for a viewing, but I haven’t heard anything yet.
The random generator never selects me.